Welcome to Dogeum

dude carto
5 min readNov 18, 2022


Not entirely set in stone to be the best automated canine put together Metaverse project with respect to the blockchain. Our Undertaking Is Expanding on Solidarity 3d metaverse presently underway of the play to acquire (P2E). Dogeum clients’ will track down components of gaming, crypto, marking, and charming and compensated insight in one spot. Play inside a gigantic universe With 10 exceptional universes to investigate, travel between various fictions and accomplish your objective. Not just that, mechanical canine NFTS is underway alongside the NFT commercial center.
Welcome to Dogeum and partake in a full intelligent encounter!

The productive development of crypto creation has
made ready for billions of new personalities and
amazing open doors. The comic bussinesses have acquired
name quickly. Individuals are idolizing gaming and
appreciate earing repayments through them. It
is time that we familiarize ourselves with our best
plan, an interesting game goes by the name “DOGEUM”

Dogeum is a cartoon mechanical canine metaverse game
project, one of its sort. It conveys the dejavu; the
playes feel likes they are back to the bygone era When
they were playing mario, yet it isn’t so straightforward as
that.This apparatus brings outthe comvatant in you
becauseit contains 10 unmistakably planned
arduous stages.

We ensure playing Dogeum will turn into a
astounding experience because of its unrealistic
illustrations and testing stages. Dogeum draws in
purchasers that are enthusiastic about internet gaming and
flourish with procuring by straightforward means. The Dogeum
is enlivened by numerous inescapable P2E displayed games
In Dogeum, the Automated canine runs in the graphically
planned multi-section and gathers tokens and
rewards. The quicker the Canine’s speed is, the better
the outcomes it gains. The player attempts to gather as
numerous tokens as conceivable to leap to the following stage.
After effectively finishing all the 10 muddled
game levels, the player is compensated with Dogeum.
Every one of the levels are interesting and engaging. Moving
forward, each game levelis more troublesome than the
past, which assists the player with getting more
engaged with the game and draw out the cutthroat
soul. The player needs to surpass and avoid
deterrents and obstacles that could come in the manner
of the Canine. Prior to starting, the player must
interface with the wallat to gather the dogeums

Dogeum is a P2e game. The prominence of
Digital currency and NFTs has developed like a tempest.
With the rising interest and ubiquity of NFTs
furthermore, Cryptographic money in the computerized world, the
next huge thing is ex pected to be The P2E model.
P2E represents Play to procure, and it implies
precisely the way that it’s said, the gamers play on the web
games to procure crypto coins on the grounds that the Dogeum
tokens are based on Ethereum Blockchain.
Dogeum is totally founded on the P2E model.
The DOGEUM tokens has its remarkable worth in the
acquired by the player through the game are amassed
in the wallet. The tokens and coupons are then
viewed as Cryptographic money. This situation
benefits the Dogeum makers and the player
since gaming isn’t simply a distraction any longer; it
has turned into a job as well.
world. AII the tokens and collectibles

NETs, obviously, are non-fungible tokens that
are interesting and have their elite worth. The
player can procure tokens while playing Dogeum. NETs,
the other hand, should be secured to turn into
premium individuals from the Dogeum group. Our NETs are
solely planned by our profoundly qualified áand
cautious advanced visual originators. Our NFTs give
players the possibility of updating the principal mechanical
canine person in the game. We intend to rouse our
customers by giving staggering advantages and
procuring open doors through buying NFTs. Be
mindful and mindful of the delivery declaration of
our valuable NFT assortments.
NFTs give the proprietor an edge. The proprietor can
stake its NFT to the Dogeum group on our foundation.
The proprietorship will stay select, and the proprietor
will procure an astounding opportunity to acquire extra
rewards. The player holds its NET to the Dogeum
group for a particular time frame and procures a compensation in the
type of Cryptographic money.

Complete inventory
1000,000,000,000 (1 billion) 100 percent
600,000,000,000 (600 million) 60%
150,000,000,000 (150 million) 15%
100,000,000,000 (100 million) 10%
100,000,000,000 (100 million) 10%
30,000,000,000 (30 million) 3%
20,000,000,000 (20 million) 20%

Up to this point, the primary degree of Dogeum is altogether finished and
prepared to play. What’s to come points are to continue to work
what’s more, refining the ongoing interaction of Dogeum. The fictitious
multi-section gaming stages generally have a potential
for development and development. Dogeum is a limit
instance of arising gaming ability and the
significance of Digital currency in the upcomipg days.
We flourish to become one of the exceptional and best-
realized P2E games in the web-based universe. Our group
will continue endeavoring to give seriously testing
thoughts, stages, guides, and prizes in the Dogeum.
The buyer’s input and demands are ever so
regarded and respectful to our colleagues.

project social media:

website: https://dogeum.io/

whitepaper: https://dogeum.io/whitepaper/whitepaperDogeum.pdf

twiter; https://twitter.com/dogeum_bsc

telegram: https://t.me/dogeumbscofficial


bitcointlk username: bitkoin878

bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852850

bep20 wallet: 0x7d40058841CdB2967d730fe98B996F8C14D6D608

